This location belonged to a man who collected Nazi memorabilia. Oh I know, I can hear your disgust already.
But what if I told you that this man has served with The Royal Regiment of Canada? Is he still a vile person? Should we contact his employer and shame him? What if I told you that this man’s father fought in World War II for the British Army?
Would you still want to know his name? Would you tell him he’s an evil person for holding onto memories?
The man who used to live here apparently collected and I believe sold this type of memorabilia. There were canteens, bayonets, uniforms, badges, papers, currency and much more.
Oh, and the collector happens to be an African American.
(The house is now lived in again!)

Note: Hand-held photos that are not the best quality.
Jayden Thompson helped identify some of the medals. He writes, “Far bottom right medal would be a eastern front medal. The one next to it would be the war merit medal. The pamphlet above would be a military pass. So provide clearance throughout a checkpoint or officers building. The swastika pin is actually a very nice piece. It is a NSDAP/Nazi party pin. It should either say ADOLF HITLER 1933 or -D.A.P.-NATIONAL-SOZIALISTISCHE. The one that says Adolf Hitler 1933 was givin to the first 100,000 party members. An the D.A.P. pin was just a members pin. If it was the Adolf Hitler pin that would be a very rare and expensive piece depending on condition.”
Matthew Gill writes, “This item, although probably a recreation, was part of the Nazi blood and soil campaign, and signified that a farm was “Erbhof” and could only be transferred in ownership by hereditary transfer within an Aryan family. The two patches are for a Wehrmacht soldier from the 1st Mountain Division of the Wehrmacht. Whoever this soldier was, they were most likely a Gebirgsjäger (Mountain Trooper) from Austria or Bavaria.”
FYI…the owner is now residing in the house. It is not abandoned