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Return to The Classic Stone House

The Classic Stone House has been part of the urban exploring scene since approximately 2012. At the time of my first visit, the house had plenty of contents inside of it. The kitchen contained an electric stove and a wood stove. The living room had a piano and a wooden stove. There were several old school notebooks that a student would write in, dated from around the 1950’s.

In the upstairs bedroom was a pair of cast iron bed frames, an antique dresser with mirror and a gramophone.

Over the following years, the gramophone disappeared as did the vintage hair brushes. I returned to this house in October of 2022. The front of the house has a large crack in the stonework. Just outside of the front door is an open water well which someone could fall into if they weren’t careful.

The entire living room floor has collapsed into the basement with the exception of a small portion near the walls. The wood stove is halfway through the floor while the piano has yet to begin its descent into the basement.

The bed frames and dresser are still upstairs. Where there was once a working telephone and electricity back in 2013, the phone has been destroyed and the power appears to be disconnected.

We did find a black cat which scurried off upon our entry, I don’t imagine it will survive the winter.


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