This property was found in King, Ontario. Outside there was an in-ground swimming pool, pond, guest house and large barn. The property may have been used to board horses.
The house was built in 1891 and is was included in Ontario’s heritage property list. Additions were made to the house over the years to both sides of the house and shed dorners added to the roof. After renovations to the house, it was removed from the Ontario Heritage Listing. The property offered privacy as it was situated away from the road at the end of a long driveway.
As I made my way to the stairs leading into the basement, I observed mold on the walls. Over time, the basement had flooded to about two feet of water and the entire room was now filled with mold. The basement contained a pool table, ping pong table, Foosball table and a very old Mason & Risch piano from the early 1900’s.
The surrounding land is used for farming. In fact on the same day we drove past here, we observed a truck go down the driveway. We waited for it to leave and then parked off-site.
GPS: 43.947432 -79.516483