This location was known as The Drug Dealer’s House. I could find no evidence of drug dealing and the house was pretty much a mess. However the house next door was a little better.
It had a very old stove/oven built into the basement wall, in an inexplicable location. There was a calendar dated 1977 and written in the cement was “Dino Accettone Oct. 22, 1978”.
Dino is still kicking around and operates a funeral home.
We found two model helicopters inside the house, the type that you control with a remote control. You can see a similar helicopter demonstration here.

I went into the second house at the beginning of September of 2022. There was an easy way in through the broken rear window. I drive by this house often as I live nearby and on one occasion I noticed a Uhaul van on the driveway which is unusual for any abandoned property. I was curious but waited a few months before attempting to go back. I eventually did and all the broken windows have been replaced and the house was in a better shape. There is no longer a way in. I did some research on the address and found out that the developer proposal of building townhomes on that and neighbouring addresses has been rejected by the city. I suppose the owner still hasn’t given up on their property. The other house is now in an even worse condition. There was an older black Mercedes SUV parked in front but it has since disappeared.