When you’re shooting with a wide angle lens, sometimes it’s more prudent to just take cell phone photos. This was the case when we ventured into this location I call “Junk Joint”.
The property consists of several old vehicles lining the entrance, a large garage filled with old 1980’s and 90’s toys, an RV home and the main house. The house was bitterly cold and I joked that we should turn the furnace on. You could imagine my surprise when I tried a light switch and it worked!
There is so much decay and everything is just sort of scattered about. This is one of those places where your eyes and mind are just trying to absorb everything all at once. Based on a two-way radio and other items found, we believe the owner used to work for CN Rail.
There’s nothing really photogenic about the property except the exterior of the house, which would look rather nice in the summer.
Incidentally we parked at the point where the fence stopped and walked in. The trek was difficult through the snow and tangly overgrowth. Only when it was time to leave, did we realize that the main gate was unlocked and you could walk in and out.
There were several proof of delivery notices from Canada Post which led me to believe were bylaw notices. There was an Emergency Order from the township which I believe related to the state of the property.
