I passed by this house on my way home from a day of exploring.
The exterior of the house appealed to me, and so I turned around for photos. It was largely disappointing to see the windows and doors boarded up but the exterior architecture indicated that it might be worth a closer look.
I was able to step through a smashed window, and observe what looked like an office area. The interior was a let down compared to the exterior. Until… I found the staircase and the stain glass.Kids have opened cans of paint and strewn it about the floor where its tacky and plentiful. You don’t want to step into it.

Does anyone know why this house is abandoned and why someone hasn’t bought it? It’s so beautiful, I’ve always admired it when I drive by.
I was wondering this too. So far it’s very difficult to track down how to find an owner/how to look into buying it.
Wow it is so nice to see the interior of this place. As a child I was never past the Kitchen area when I was there
Thank you for sharing this with us.