The Talisman Ski Resort was built back in the 1960s. It closed in 2011 due to bankruptcy. After it closed, it became an area popular with hikers and dog walkers.
An auction was held for sale of the 200 acrs property located at 150 Talisman Mountain Drive. The minimum bid was $2.39 million. Secondary properties were auctioned off but the municipality didn’t receive any bids on the resort itself.
Arson on the same day as auction
Grey County OPP received a call for mischief to the property at 9:20 p.m. on Monday, August 12 after five males were observed entering the property. The caller heard glass breaking.
Police arrived on scene and detected smoke on the second floor. Grey Highlands Fire Department attended the fire, and extinguished it quickly. There was minimal damage to the building.
The fire department ordered the building to be secured but at the same time, explorers had the ski resort on their radar now. Some days you could find an entry point, other days you could not.
In May of 2015, new owners purchased the property for $1.8 million. The invested a further $10 million retrofitting the resort.
A happy ending.
There was so much to explorer here: the ski shop, the dining area with chandeleir, the ski hill, hotel area and bar.