The adventure begins at 3 AM, when I rose out of bed after just a few short hours of sleep. I was intent on arriving at this time capsule house before the sun had risen, because I expected difficulties in finding a way inside. I arrived at my destination shortly after 6 AM and parked at a property across the road. Sleep was out of the question, I’ve never been able to fall asleep in the driver’s seat. I took a quick peek of the house and felt my way around the door as it was still dark outside. I tried the door but it was locked. I wasn’t sure if it was the padlocks or if the door itself was locked, but this mystery was solved when my hand felt a broken pane of glass. I reached inside and was able to unlock the door. It opened without any further issue, the padlocks having been broken off by someone else. I retreated back to the vehicle and waited for the sunlight.
By 8 AM the sun was out and it was now possible to take photos, so I walked over to the property. I’d been told that there might be two padlocks on the door as well as a trail camera. Seeing no camera, I went inside.
The property is aged, the furnishings are outdated and the electronics are from the late 70’s or early 80’s. This is perfect for the urban explorer. The entrance opens up to a small foyer where you could turn right into the living room, head straight into the kitchen or continue upstairs. My first area of exploration was the living room.
The most interesting part of this room is of course the couch. Next to it is a radio which is capable of picking up shortwave radio stations. This was designed in the era when electronics were made to do it all, and had every conceivable switch and dial. I love playing with these old electronics unlike today’s simplified devices.
Overnight guests might have enjoyed a glass of wine in the living room while listening to some of the classical music cassettes played on the dining room stereo. Selection included Bach, Chopin and Tchaikovsky.
In the kitchen, a calendar shows the year 2006. I didn’t spend a lot of time in this room, in hindsight I would have checked expiry dates on the perishables. Water damage has led to the ceiling drywall falling down in much of the room. The kitchen features wooden cupboards that aren’t too outdated but not modern either. The stove’s exhaust fan has fallen onto the stove.
Making your way upstairs, you’ll step into small pieces of drywall that have fallen from the ceiling. This property may need demolition rather than renovation. The first bedroom on the left features double beds, pink walls with wallpaper designs, and a replica antique telephone. There are pools of water collecting in the ceiling. This is a nicely preserved room with the bedding made up and waiting for the next guests to stay the night.
Next to the bedroom is a bathroom with a retro green design. There’s a green plush floor mat and toilet mat, the style nobody uses any more. The final room on this side of the hallway appeared to be the business office. There was a computer, Lexmark printer, three typewriters and an extensive collection of VHS video tapes. The language of the tape labels and framed certificates on the walls led me to believe the owner was Croatian. I can find no history on the owner in any of my online searches except for one small page listing the bed and breakfast business.
On the right side of the hallway, the first room might have been a bedroom or a sitting room. There’s no bed in here although the couch may have opened up into one. There are two television sets here, both of which are the large bulky floor model styles of the late 1970’s. On a table, I found a gentleman’s hat and a collection of smoking pipes. A door leads to an upper balcony which sits above the main entrance to the house. I didn’t venture out onto the patio so as not to be seen by passersby.
If you’re not observant, you might miss the door that takes you up to a third level where you’ll find the time capsule bedroom. This room featured a peaked ceiling, double beds and a vintage chair. On the dresser is an antique appliance that was used to dry your finger nail polish.
What the future of this property will be, I cannot say… for now it’s only guests are the curious, who don’t ever stay the night.
