This house was located in Aurora, Ontario. It was built around 1960. It last owner was a man named Arne Fredericksen. Arne bred racing horses and founded two other farms in Ontario which are active to this day.
Arne was born in 1924 and passed away in 1998. The house was left as un untouched time capsule for a few years until 2013 when it was purchased by a developer. PhotographicTime and I spent several hours in long weekend rush hour traffic on August 2, 2013 to reach this house, where it did not disappoint. The power still worked.
Original coordinates: 44.022861,-79.420436

Hi there,
Just wanted to inquire if this property is still around and if we are able to see it or require a permit?
Much appreciated !
Hi. No it is long gone.
hey can you email me? I am looking for abandoned houses and factories for a shoot this weekend and want to know if I need a permit to quickly go to these places?