This was the home of Major General Clarence Churchill Mann. Mann purchased 16 farms in an area of Ontario known today as Joker’s Hill. Mann was a World War II soldier who had taken part in the Dieppe raid and invasion of Normandy. He along with his wife consolidated the land into a horse farm that included a race track, barns and pasture area.
The property was sold in 1969 to the wealthy Koffler family who owned the popular chain of Shopper’s Drug Mart stores. They retained noted architect Napier Simpson to expand and remodel the estate house, first built by the Manns. Pierre Trudeau has even stayed at this mansion as have Prince Phillip and Princess Margaret
The property was used by the family seasonally until they chose to donate the entire parcel of the University of Toronto in 1995. The property is now used for nature studies. The surrounding land is active, and you should avoid being on it due to the environmental studies that take place. There are cameras and the police will ticket you if you park nearby.
Note: The mansion has since been demolished to keep people from entering this sensitive environmental space.

man its really sad to see the place i have so many fond childhood memories of laying in ruin like that. it looks like the pool has been filled in as well and the tower above the games room is either not where i remember it or has been knocked down. One time i got lost playing hide and seek with my cousins and had to intercom for rescue from “bar 2”